In 2018, KNOM says goodbye to three outstanding volunteer fellows: Karen Trop, Zoe Grueskin, and Gabe Colombo, who have each contributed much in their service years.
All three have worked as both beat reporters and producers.
Following in their footsteps — and those of decades of volunteers before them — is newly-arrived volunteer fellow Emily Hofstaedter. A native of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Emily will spend her 2018-2019 service year as the morning deejay and a local reporter.
At press time, volunteer recruitment for 2018-2019 is still open. Learn more right here at

Image at top: the 2017-2018 KNOM volunteers — Karen Trop, Gabe Colombo, and Zoe Grueskin — hold a “Welcome to KNOM” banner, the traditional greeting for new volunteers, while waiting for Emily Hofstaedter to arrive at the Nome airport (note volunteer engineer Les Brown playfully “photobombing” them over Gabe’s shoulder). Photo: Margaret DeMaioribus, KNOM.