780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Jellyfish Numbers Rising in Bering Sea; Scientists Studying Potential Impacts

Sikuliaq, Nome, AK, July 2015

According to researcher Mary Beth Decker, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has been recording jellyfish numbers in the Bering Sea for the last 40 years using their trawls. In recent years, the population has spiked, and researchers know that they have impacts on the ecosystem, because they feed on things that fish eat. But the question is: what is the extent of their impact?

New AM Transmitter & Tech Tune-Ups

Two men look on while a Catholic priest prepares to read a blessing at the remote site of KNOM Radio's AM transmitter.

The KNOM mission is benefitting this summer from recent maintenance work. From its AM transmitter site, new hardware and a newly realigned tower are beaming positive programming throughout 100,000 square miles of Western Alaska.

Education Successes

A high school graduate walks on a gymnasium floor in her graduation gown, wearing traditional, Alaska Native mukluks.

Hand-built computers, berry-picking as a metaphor for success, and grads with advanced degrees in reindeer herding: recent KNOM News stories have highlighted examples of academic achievement with a distinctively Western Alaska flair.

In Nome, a Legacy of Service

Color guard, bearing flags, leads the 2018 Memorial Day parade through Nome.

Along Nome’s main thoroughfare, Front Street, there stands a bronze statue of a man wearing a traditional parka and holding a rifle. It’s a silent reminder of Alaska’s unique military history, a history that stretches back for decades before statehood.

Gifts from Retirement Funds

Did you know? Folks who are 70 ½ years and older can make pre-tax donations directly to charity from IRA or other retirement plans. Doing so may help reduce taxable income.

From the GM’s Desk (July 2018)

“We are renewed in our mission connecting the individual, the family, and each village, united in faith,” says Margaret DeMaioribus in the end-note to the July newsletter.