City Council to Finalize FY ‘19 Budgets, Distribute Community Benefit Share Funds

Nome’s City Council will look at proposals for NSEDC’s 2018 mid-year community benefit share during tonight’s regular meeting, before focusing on fiscal year ‘19 budgets.

The Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation has issued about $133,000 to each of its 15 member communities, including Nome, for this summer. According to City documents, the Nome Common Council has already received proposals totaling $264,179.00.

Following a work session regarding these community benefit share funding requests, the Council could then approve the FY 2019 City budgets. Based on previous meetings and discussions, the City is expected to raise the mill rate to 11 mills, fully fund Nome Public Schools’ request of $3,078,762, and increase the Chamber of Commerce’s contract to $175,000.

If the Council passes every FY ‘19 budget with all the provisions it’s agreed upon, the City is expected to have a $1,656,850 deficit for fiscal year 2019.

Tonight’s regular meeting begins at 7pm after the conclusion of a 5:30pm work session in Council Chambers.

Image at top: Nome City Council Chambers. Photo: Matthew F. Smith, KNOM file.

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