Recap of ‘Exchange’: Spring Subsistence with Gay Sheffield and Brandon Ahmasuk

For the first “Exchange” of May, KNOM’s Davis Hovey spoke with Alaska Sea Grant’s Gay Sheffield and Kawerak’s Brandon Ahmasuk about how the spring subsistence season is playing out thus far.

They discussed what factors are helping or hindering hunters in the Bering Straits Region and reiterated the need to be vigilant this season with potential dead sea birds and marine mammals washing up in communities.

Note: Due to a recording error, the first several minutes of the May 1 show are missing from the audio below.

If you see a stranded marine mammal, find a dead bird (or other animal), catch something strange in the Bering Sea, or just have something to report, call Gay Sheffield at 907-434-1149 or call Brandon Ahmasuk at 907-443-4265.

The Alaska Fish & Game booklet “Common Diseases of Wild and Cultured Fishes in Alaska” is a valuable reference for answering people’s questions about fish diseases in the state.

And you can always submit comments, observations, or pictures to the Sea Ice Outlook for Walrus.

Image at top: file photo: an icy, foggy view off the coast of Shishmaref during spring break-up, 2017. Photo: Lauren Frost/KNOM.

Photo Credit: Gay Sheffield
Photo Credit: Gay Sheffield

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