780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Nome Schools May Find Funds for Music and Librarian

Superintendent Shawn Arnold discusses the Nome Public Schools fiscal year-19 draft budget at a public budget meeting (Photo: Gabe Colombo, KNOM)

Superintendent Shawn Arnold says the savings from retiring long-time teachers’ higher salaries could keep the music program off the chopping block. As for the librarian, he says: talk to your elected officials.

Listening to the Bering Sea

Bearded man stands in front of large map of Alaska

A new scientific study happening along Western Alaska’s coasts is all about listening — to the sounds of the sea, and to how those sounds are clues for long-term changes in the region. Your support brought to KNOM listeners the news of this fascinating undertaking.

Snow, Snow, Snow!

Silver SUV automobile half covered in a snowbank along a snowy street in Nome.

In KNOM country, it’s been a year of heavy snowfall. A certain amount of snow is needed each winter for traditional sub-Arctic activities, whether subsistence hunting or village-to-village travel. But too much snow can cause problems.

Norway’s Ulsom Wins Iditarod

At Iditarod finish line, musher interacts with race officials and smiles for press photos.

Last month marked another running of Alaska’s epic, 1,000-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. 2018 brought a fresh face to the roster of race champions — and saw KNOM volunteer alumni on the trail, both as reporters and even as a competitor.

A Frantic Race on the Sea Ice

Racer on snowmachine (snowmobile), racing along the snow-covered, frozen Bering Sea near the shoreline of Nome.

It’s an intense race that changes minute-by-minute, and for three hours each March, listeners throughout Western Alaska hear all about it on KNOM, live, through your support. Learn about this year’s Nome-Golovin Snowmachine Race.

Easter, Loud and Clear

In the corner of a Catholic church, a rack of broadcasting hardware, such as a transmitter and CD player.

In 2018 and every year, your support helps bring Easter Mass to listeners in Western Alaska who do not have a priest to celebrate the holiday.

From the GM’s Desk (April 2018)

In “early spring in Western Alaska,” Margaret DeMaioribus writes in the end-note to the April newsletter, “KNOM’s constant presence is foundational” — and you are a friend and companion to Western Alaska “in moments big and small.”