City Council To Deliberate on Surplus Municipal Property, Could Authorize Sale of Two Blocks Tonight

Nome’s City Council could officially authorize the sale of more than 50 surplus properties through public sealed bid, if they approve a piece of unfinished business tonight.

During their regular meeting at City Hall, the Council will also deliberate on one new ordinance and two resolutions. In the first reading phase is an ordinance to adopt tariff #14 which aims to revise and replace all existing tariffs at the Port of Nome.

Other new business includes a resolution to award two of those aforementioned surplus municipal properties to the highest bidders. If the Council approves this resolution, one block of property would be sold to Mason Evans for just over $350,000 while another would go to Calvin Schaeffer for roughly $19,000.

Before adjourning the meeting, Nome’s City Council could decide to contract with Altman, Rogers & Company for audit services this fiscal year. The regular meeting begins at 7pm tonight in Council Chambers.

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