780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Alvanna-Stimpfle Named a “Native American 40 Under 40” Awardee

Megan Alvanna-Stimpfle

The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development President said of Alvanna-Stimpfle and the other 39 winners, “whether it’s in business, tribal government, journalism, academia, or non-profits, 40 under 40 winners (are) shining examples for all of us to follow.”

Melting the “Ice Curtain”

Three smiling women stand together in KNOM’s lobby

During the Cold War, the “Ice Curtain” divided the people of the Bering Strait. But in the past 30 years, amazing things have been happening on both sides of the Alaska–Russia border.

AM Transmitter Update

A silhouette of a crewman ascending a radio tower with the sun and tundra landscape behind him.

The hardware is purchased, and now, it’s time to install it: the KNOM mission is moving forward with preparations for a new AM transmitter.

After Vandalism, Blessings

Two men with shovels stand aside a mound of dirt behind KNOM's garage

Even amid the challenges of operating a radio station in bush Alaska, such as an instance of vandalism at KNOM Studios earlier this year, our mission remains continually blessed — and continues, thanks to you.

Class of 2017-2018

At the Nome airport: Gabe Colombo, Karen Trop, and Zoe Grueskin holding the “Welcome to KNOM” banner that greets newly-arriving volunteers.

Meet newly-arrived KNOM volunteer fellows Zoe Grueskin and Gabe Colombo.

From the GM’s Desk (September 2017)

“We are finishing up projects that were only dreams just a few years ago,” says GM Margaret DeMaioribus in the first installment of a new series for the KNOM newsletter. “Divine Providence will provide.”