In the Field

Over my eleven or so months here at KNOM, I’ve recorded in some pretty unique conditions. This past winter, I sat in an actual dogsled (with my recording equipment nestled in an insulated lunchbox to stave off battery drainage from the extreme cold) as a team of trusty dogs raced me across the tundra. Late this past summer, I had my recording equipment nestled in what I hoped were secure water-proof bags as I made my way to the Crystal Serenity, a 1,000+ capacity cruise liner docked in Nome.

I’ve found myself inside school gymnasiums and classrooms across Western Alaska, joined communities as they had Independence Day celebrations and regional spelling bees, explored the tundra by dogsled, four-wheeler, snow-machine, and through music. Naturally, I’ve also worked up quite a sweat racing to collect the unique sounds of Western Alaska — in more ways than one!

In-field recording is this week’s focus for the volunteer audio-blog, and you’ll hear all about our experiences recording outside the KNOM studios and even some top tips for your own recording forays. Click the media player above to get started.

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