Gov. Walker Expected to Join Council of Governors; Would Be First Alaskan on Council

Governor Bill Walker is set to serve a two-year term on the Council of Governors after an announcement yesterday from President Donald Trump.

President Trump intends to appoint Walker to the 10-member group, and if successful, Walker would be the first Alaska governor on the Council. According to a release from the Governor’s office, the Council of Governors is meant for governors and federal officials to address matters related to the National Guard, homeland defense, and defense support to civil authorities.

In the same press release, Governor Walker said, “I intend to bring Alaska’s unique and important perspective to the issues that face our state and our nation. Given our strategic geographic location, it is crucial that our state participate in national defense conversations.”

According to the White House, President Trump also intends to appoint governors from Oklahoma, Montana, and other states, who will be joined by the Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security.

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