City Council to Swear In Johnson, Vote on NJUS Rates Tonight

Mark Johnson will participate in Monday night’s Nome city council meeting as a councilman for the first time this year. Johnson’s oath of office is the first piece of business on the agenda immediately following the end of the Common Council’s work session.

Once Johnson is sworn in, he and the other councilmen will decide whether or not to approve an ordinance amending the Nome Joint Utility System’s proposed changes to the water and sewer tariff rate schedules A and B. If approved, rates will increase by 10% starting Monday, in order to address NJUS’s water and sewer revenue deficit.

New business before the Council includes an ordinance amending the existing code of ordinances to specify that all candidates for elected and appointed office must have no financial debts owed to the City of Nome.

Before the meeting adjourns, three people are expected to be appointed to empty Port Commission seats A, D, and G. Tonight’s work session begins at 5:30pm in City Hall, followed by the Council’s regular meeting, which will start at 7pm.

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