Facing Deficits, NJUS Increases City Water, Sewer Rates

A resolution to increase water and sewer tariff rates was passed by the Nome Joint Utility System (NJUS) board at Tuesday night’s meeting.

The 10% increase in tariff rates for 2016 follows previous rate increases over the past two years (2015 & 2014), in order to lessen at least a 24% deficit in water-sewer revenue. Prior to 2014, the tariff rates for water and sewer were the same as established in 1996.

Nome Joint Utility Manager John Handeland explains what this tax increase means for community members: “it is calculated at $9.81 a month change for both water and sewer for residents, and, for seniors, $5.88.”

Based upon a rate study, even with this increment, a 4% lag in required revenue still exists. Therefore, further changes to Nome’s tariff rates may happen in conjunction with the development of the city’s 2017 budget.

In other events, Emory Charles Wheeler and Wesley Perkins were sworn in as new members of the NJUS board following the results of the recent elections. In the closing board comments, however, Carl Emmons expressed his concerns over Wheeler’s appointment to the NJUS board. He alleged that Wheeler did not have a personal account with NJUS and said he would prefer “somebody [who] when we raised rates, bleeds along with us, rather than someone who doesn’t even have an account.”

Wheeler responded to Emmons’s concerns, stating any perceived discrepancy in utility payments to the city was due to spending time between Nome and Anchorage. He remarked, “there’s reasons why I was not in Nome for a lot of times, and that was medical, personal family business.”

Toward the conclusion of the meeting, the board recognized Berda Wilson and Fred Moody for their years of service as NJUS board members.

NJUS will meet again for their regular meeting on November 15th.

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