Feeling Festive

It seems like the holidays appeared out of nowhere this week. Of course I knew they were coming, but I didn’t feel the spirit quite yet.

Spending my first holiday season away from home not only has me missing my family, but also has me thrown out of whack without the familiar traditions to remind me how close it is to Christmas: my dog sleeping in front of the fireplace, Aaron Neville playing on the CD player, my mom rearranging all the ornaments on the tree, my dad singing his own versions of Christmas songs, and all of my siblings in town for the festivities.

But now that we’ve gotten our tree up at work and had our staff holiday potluck, I’ve begun to notice that it’s almost Christmastime. And with today being the annual KNOM Christmas call-in show and the switch to round-the-clock holiday music, I know that I’ll be feeling even more festive by the time the day ends. Maybe we’ll even finally all be able to get in the same place at the same time to decorate the volunteer Christmas tree, which currently only has tinsel and two strands of lights, one of which are shaped like ducks.

In addition to the holiday festivities and cheer, Christmas is an important time for me this year for another reason. December 26th will mark my six month Nome anniversary (known fondly to us volunteers as a nome-aversary), and therefore the halfway point of my time here at KNOM. It’s true that the holidays are a time to be thankful and to celebrate, but this year they are also a time for reflection. An opportunity to look back on half a year spent in Nome and the changes that come with it, in the seasons, at the station, and in myself as well.