Busy, busy, busy

This is one of those rare blog posts when I have too much to say.

Usually I sit around for hours trying to think of something to share that is interesting to someone other than me. Today, my head is so full of thoughts and plans that I can’t figure out where to start. So, please forgive this hodgepodge list of what’s filling my time this week.

First, we’re getting down to the wire with “The Importance of Being Earnest” rehearsals. Opening night is on May 1st, only ten days away. It’s a little terrifying, since I’ve never acted in a show before. It’s busy, too; lots and lots of practicing so that we can put on a good show for all our friends and neighbors. But I think these 10 days are the most exciting, too. For months we’ve been practicing lines, and where to stand, but it’s always the final week when everything comes together. We have props now, furniture and diaries and letter boxes. Soon we’ll have costumes. We know our lines and our characters. This play is coming to life right in front of our eyes. And even though he’s sat through every rehearsal, our director still laughs at the jokes, which I think is a very good sign.

Second, I’m working on some programming changes at the station. For a few months I’ve been getting our legends & storytelling program ready to be posted on our website, in addition to airing it on Sundays. I’m hoping that by May, we will finally be able share it with you on the Internet under a new name and with a refreshed sound. Many thanks to Marjorie Tahbone for her guidance and help.

Third, Earth Day and my birthday are both happening this week. These probably fall into the “interesting to me” category because I can’t think of much to say except that they are happening. But they are my two favorite days in April, so huzzah! Gotta enjoy the little things.

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