Spring Showers

Today I played Seals & Crofts’ “Summer Breeze” during my DJ shift.

I have mixed feelings about this song. There was a summer in my childhood when we listened to a mix CD in the car every day that had that song on it, and my Mom loved to sing along. On the one hand, it’s a nice little memory, but on the other, I’ve already listened to this particular tune more times than the gods of music could ever have intended.

But this afternoon, it made me smile. I announced the song without really thinking about it before a break in the music. Then I looked out the window, and watched some blizzard-force gusts blow big, wet snowflakes down the street. Ah, yes. “Summer Breeze” was an excellent choice.

Okay, I’m exaggerating a little bit for effect, but it was windy and snowy enough to close school today and there’s a fresh layer of snow on the ground.

Ironic song choices aside, what has surprised me most about the spring weather is how unexceptional it seems. Some of my fellow volunteers have been writing posts for those future KNOM volunteers who are deciding whether this is the right step for them. I don’t really have much advice to share, because I think everyone experiences their volunteer years differently. But what I’ve learned is that we humans are very adjustable. No matter our circumstances, we can choose to make that our new normal.

I never worked in radio before this year, but I roll out of bed every day to produce audio programs and sit behind a microphone. I didn’t live in Alaska either, but I bought a down coat and some good boots, and I still take long walks on the weekend (when there isn’t a blizzard).

I don’t want to make it sound like this is for everyone, because it isn’t. But if you commit yourself to living while you’re here, you’ll have a life. And you’ll find that the snow and cold temperatures are just part of the new normal.

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