In the wake of the storm

Last November, storms brought exceptional damage to some of the communities we serve.

Two separate storm systems in the Bering Sea – severe, in large part, because of their strong winds, high seas, and potential for coastal flooding – ripped through our region in less than a week. While Nome saw some relatively moderate damage, including a downed telephone pole and several power outages, other communities outside of our immediate vicinity, but still well within our listening area, were hit harder.

The relatively isolated villages of Kotlik (COT-lick), Stebbins, Savoonga (suh-VOON-guh), and Gambell (“gamble”) saw some of the worst of the storms’ brunt. Some homes were badly damaged or flooded, and in the immediate wake of the storms, many in rural Alaska – including KNOM – organized to help those displaced or otherwise affected.

For several weeks, KNOM – led by point person Laura Collins, our outreach coordinator – helped collect local goodwill donations (such as those pictured) of warm clothing, food, and other items. While the drive has now concluded, we know its impact will endure long into this New Year.

Through your support, the end of 2013 was a bit brighter for Alaskans in need. You helped bring calm after the storm (as well as before and during the storm, through timely weather warnings). Thank you.

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