Sounding Board: House Bill 77

This Thursday on Sounding Board (December 19th, 2013 at 10am), we’re talking about the Alaska Legislature’s House Bill 77 – a controversial measure that, if passed, would change the permitting process for the use of Alaska’s land and water resources.

More than 30 entities – from tribes to cities to councils – have passed resolutions opposing HB 77. The bill returns to the legislature this January.

  • What is your opinion on HB 77?
  • Should only public agencies, which excludes tribes and individuals, be allowed to apply for water reservations?
  • Should only a person who is “substantially and adversely affected” and not just “aggrieved” be able to oppose a water or land permit?
  • Is this bill the best way to streamline the Department of Natural Resources’ permitting process?


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