780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Five years ago

In September and October 2008, our newsletters were full of comings and goings – including those of our public affairs director Amy Flaherty and news director Paul Korchin. The Static reported on one of Amy’s final projects for our popular show Elder Voices: an interview with Savoonga, Alaska elder Ora Gologergen (guh-LOGG-er-guhn), pictured at top. […]

Past, present, future: online

Did you know that this website contains a detailed, year-by-year timeline of our mission, extending back to before our first broadcast? You’ll also find an extensive archive of past newsletters, from the late 1990s onward.

License to serve

FCC license renewal paperwork

KNOM’s general manager Ric Schmidt is busy wrapping up work on our station’s license renewal with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Although it involves a large amount of paperwork, it’s a must-do for our mission once every eight years.