Ice, Ice Baby

That’s right. Ice. And lots of it. One thing that’s unique to Western Alaska – it gets so cold that the sea freezes.

Now that the summer temperatures are here, and the ocean is pretty much back to what I saw when I first arrived to Nome, I can’t help but think that there is a connection between the seasons of nature and the seasons of life.

When I first arrived in Nome, the water was beautiful, clear, and calm.

A calm sea

Bering Sea in September 2012

Sunset on the shore

Then later on, a storm raged (not unlike myself having big waves crash over me when learning how to broadcast and write news stories).

Storm in October 2012
Storm in October 2012

Then, the ocean began to become solid with ice, during a time when I began to feel some stability as a reporter.

Can you see the thin ice forming?
Ice forming on the ocean

During the winter, I could walk on water, and that’s just what I did during Iditarod – interviewing mushers, running the news department while Laureli was covering the race. All these things seemed impossible in the past. Yet, here I am.

Frozen solid

Fog so thick you can’t see the water

Can you see the sand?

Solid as a rock

Finally, after months of cold and frozen life, the world became warm and waters began to move. It was surreal. As I look back at my experience at KNOM, it has been just that.

Where the ocean meets the sky
Where the ocean meets the sky

The past hangs on as new possibilities arise.

Winter meets summer
Winter meets summer

Where do you see the ebbs and flows of your life?