Signs of the season

It’s a strikingly dark time of year in Western Alaska. On clear days, we’re treated to gorgeous sunrises and sunsets (like the one pictured above); the sun rises just shy of 12 noon and sets before 4pm.

While the sunlight is brief, the darkness allows KNOM’s Christmas star – perched atop our FM transmitter tower (pictured) – to shine all the brighter. We light the star at the beginning of each Advent, and alongside a few simple decorations inside our studios, the star has been a tangible reminder of our mission: our calling to be a light in the darkness, especially during this special season. We thank you for sustaining our mission into 2013, and we ask for your prayers: especially for our volunteers, who spend this joyful season in rural Alaska, far from home.


This article is part of the Year-End 2012 edition of our newsletter, The Nome Static.

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