Love Letters to Home

“Dear family and friends in Huslia, Alaska,

There are many things I love about our community: the strong sense of camaraderie, the friendliness of everyone in town, the fact that everyone is ready to help each other out in times of need, but something I want to focus on is theresilience shown by each member in the village and how that leads to a stronger generation that is prepared to endure any type of circumstance. (…)”

Jordan David

Those are the words of Jordan David, a college student from the interior village of Huslia. The spot is the first in a series of radio love letters recorded by students who are away at college, addressed to family and neighbors at home.

The series is created in collaboration with the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ college bridge program RAHI, where honor students received academic credit for voicing and writing the spots. To listen to her letter, and others in the series, click here.

Image at top: Jordan David, a college student from Huslia, Alaska, shares what she loves about home in the first installment of the new spot series ‘Love Letters to Home’.

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