Profile: John Wayne Howe of the Alaska Independence Party

The November 3rd general election is less than three weeks away, and Western Alaskans will have to decide who they want to represent them in the U.S. Senate. There are three candidates included on this year’s ballot – Incumbent Republican Senator Dan Sullivan, Independent Dr. Al Gross, and John Wayne Howe of the Alaska Independence Party (A-I-P).

For those who aren’t familiar with the Alaska Independence Party and their beliefs, Howe says he is opposed to all government taxes, he is an ardent supporter of personal gun rights, and he wants Alaskans to unite in asserting their independence.

“The more important thing, and where representation is a beautiful form of government, is when you elect representatives who care first about what’s right for the individual; what is allowing him to have the most life opportunities available. And I tend to be most passionate about that for life opportunities here in Alaska, where we have so much possibility that we just have not tapped [into] because of the government structure.”

– John Wayne Howe

Howe has been a member of the AIP since the 1980s and currently owns a machine shop outside of Fairbanks, near his home.

One of his main goals for the Senate, which he has highlighted in other interviews during his campaign, is to establish a road between Fairbanks and Nome.

“My idea on it is strictly to lay out coordinates for where the road should be. We don’t need to spend any money on it to start with, just this is where it is. We have accurate enough GPSs today that we can come close to the right place and you go travel it with snow machines, dogs, whatever. Start out with a path, a direction to get there, and if it doesn’t get improved it may be a muddy, swampy mess, but at least you have a place where you can travel in the winter and it’s legally your right.”

– John Wayne Howe

Even though Howe is the third candidate listed on the ballot, there are other Senate candidates who are hoping to receive votes through write-ins. Those include Sid Hill, a non-partisan candidate, and Jed Whittaker of the Green Party who didn’t make it onto this year’s ballot.

A reminder that the general election will be held on November 3rd, 2020.

Image at top: John Wayne Howe of Alaska Independence Party is running to be Alaska’s representative in the U.S. Senate. Photo from John Wayne Howe’s campaign website, used with permission (2020).

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