The Port of Nome is moving forward with a repair project for the Inner Harbor launch ramp after a $1.69 million grant from the federal government.
Port Director Joy Baker says the ramp was built in 2005 and primarily is used for launching larger fishing vessels, dredges, and to ship cargo.
“It’s seen a great deal of wear and tear due to the heavy industrial use of moving the cargo and the heavier boats, so we’ve determined that the most effective and cost efficient way to address the condition is to do a complete replacement of the ramp and we’re really thankful we got the EDA money”

In addition to the grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration, Baker says the Port received $300,000 from Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation (NSEDC) and about $100,000 from the City of Nome’s cost-share program, which will go to the ramp repair project.
According to a press release from the EDA, Nome will use this approximately $2,100,000 to make the ramp repairs, which will generate an estimated $17,600,000 and create roughly 60 jobs. Baker says the launch ramp in Nome’s Inner Harbor is crucial to Port operations.
“Even though the high ramp services the cargo fleet for trans-shipping, the launch ramp is just that. It’s a launch and haul out ramp that we absolutely need to make functional again”
Once the project bid is put out to the public in the new year, Baker says a contractor could be selected in the spring of 2020 and then she intends for the repair project itself to be conducted between July and September.
Image at top: Fishing vessels at the Nome harbor. Photo from Matthew Smith, KNOM file.