780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

April 1998: Fighting a spring blizzard

April 24, 1998 The last week of the month brings multiple days of a rip-roaring blizzard to Nome, and KNOMers run outside every hour to clear the station’s satellite dish of snow, which blocks signals. In the dead of winter, snow does not cause this problem, as it is too dry to stick to the antennas.

March 2008: The All-Alaska Sweepstakes returns

March 26, 2008 Paul Korchin and Amy Flaherty hop onto borrowed snowmobiles to follow the 100th anniversary running of the All Alaska Sweepstakes, a 408-mile sled dog race through the wilderness. They report using a satellite telephone lent by Nome police chief Paul Burke.