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Research Consortium Releases Findings From April Visit to Nome

A comprehensive summary of citizens’ concerns and comments regarding upcoming changes in Nome was released last week by the Nome Coordinated Research Consortium (NCRC). The group hosted two community workshops in April to gather community input on infrastructure, economics, and climate change relating to the Nome port expansion project, mining, and the prospective increase of […]

Research Consortium to Gather Feedback on the Future of Nome

Nome Front Street in winter time

Front Street in Nome, Alaska. KNOM stock photo. April 24, 2024 Sarah Swartz, News Reporter Conversations will be open to the public at the Mini Convention Center in Nome this week to discuss the future of mining, the deep draft port, tourism, and climate change in the region. Jim Powell, a Term Assistant Research Professor […]

Jellyfish Numbers Rising in Bering Sea; Scientists Studying Potential Impacts

Sikuliaq, Nome, AK, July 2015

According to researcher Mary Beth Decker, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has been recording jellyfish numbers in the Bering Sea for the last 40 years using their trawls. In recent years, the population has spiked, and researchers know that they have impacts on the ecosystem, because they feed on things that fish eat. But the question is: what is the extent of their impact?

Sailing To North Pole, Explorers Find More Ice Than Expected

Two men pose aboard a small boat, filled with gear, with a blue sky behind them.

A team of explorers and scientists returned to Nome last week after attempting to be the first to sail to the North Pole. The three-week expedition, called Arctic Mission, gathered scientific data about Arctic marine ecosystems, and went farther north by water than almost anyone had before.

Focused on Climate Change, Governor of California Visits Nome

Governor Jerry Brown of California poses for a picture with Sandy and Carleton Tahbone, Austin Ahmasuk, and others. Photo Credit: Office of Gov. Jerry Brown, used with permission (2017).

Governor Jerry Brown of California was in Nome earlier this week to witness hands-on climate change research in this area and learn about Native perspective on the environmental issue. Some of the people the Governor met were Sandy and Carleton Tahbone, Austin Ahmasuk, and Vera Metcalf.

Marine Scientists Depart Nome to Study Chukchi Sea Biodiversity

Sea ice in the Chukchi Sea

Changes occurring in Arctic waters — including diminishing sea ice and warming seas — have brought up many questions about how marine life will respond. A team of scientists departing from Nome hopes to answer at least a few of those questions during a 23-day research cruise.

In Gambell, a Focus on Pollution

Pollution researcher in Gambell, Alaska

Earlier this summer, a very special community education course in a key part of KNOM’s listening area highlighted a growing awareness of pollution in our region. With your support, KNOM was on the front lines of this crucial story.