780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Caitlin, Spot-On

Producer and Morning Show host Caitlin Whyte.

She’s come a long way to help make our mission possible, and she’s the first voice many of our listeners hear every weekday. First-year volunteer Caitlin Whyte, most recently a resident of New York City, is now our Morning Show host and, in her off-air hours, a producer at KNOM.

Re-connecting with family

Volunteer Eva DeLappe (pictured, left) had a special guest earlier this spring: her twin sister Sarah (right), who spent a week visiting Nome. The week included a special celebration: both sisters’ birthday. The two also co-hosted an on-air music show, went snowshoeing near Nome, and traveled together to the community of Unalakleet (YOU-nuh-luh-kleet) to report […]

Amid the deep winter, 5th graders take their turn in KNOM Studios

The frozen tundra sparkles with many shades of blue; the renewed sunlight shines across the snow covered landscape. The Bering Sea is covered with huge chunks of ice, pushed to the surface as the icepack shifts and thickens in subfreezing temperatures. Steam rises from exposed sea water. Last week, a local 5th grade class visited […]

December 2003: “No more powerful medium…”

December 26, 2003 A board member of Alaska’s Breast Cancer Detection Center writes, thanking the station for its free announcements that help to make a village mammogram program a great success: Many of the patients reported that they had heard about it on KNOM… This was the first time we had tried to market village […]