780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Santa Comes to St. Michael

Santa and Mrs. Claus Arrive at St. Michael

As volunteer Zoe Grueskin reported for KNOM listeners last month, Santa Claus traveled to the village of St. Michael this past Christmas with some special help. Reindeer are plentiful in the sub-Arctic, but in 2017, Santa made his deliveries on an Alaska National Guard cargo plane.

A Parade for Those Who Served

Veterans carry flags in Nome's Memorial Day parade.

Last month, live coverage of Nome’s Memorial Day parade allowed KNOM to join with its local community in remembering and honoring the sacrifices of those who have served in the US military — especially those who gave their lives in defense of our nation.

Meet Father Vince

Father Vince Burns

Meet Father Vince Burns: the new parish priest at Nome’s St. Joseph Catholic Church and the new voice of KNOM’s live broadcasts of Sunday Mass.