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(907) 443-5221

NSHC Resumes Expansion of Quyanna Care Center, Doubling Size and Adding 12 Beds

Norton Sound Health Corporation (NSHC) has resumed construction of its Quyanna Care Center (QCC) expansion project. Residents may notice new temporary fencing around the site, the first steps in a major project aimed at enhancing elder care in the region. When QCC was founded “Quyanna”, the Inupiaq word for “thank you”, was chosen as part […]

KNOM’s Unsung Volunteers

Support nurse Anne (Irsfeld) Ivanoff

In the past 50 years, not all of KNOM’s support volunteers have been reporters or broadcasters. In the mission’s early days, many volunteers were nurses and doctors.

May 2003: Honoring nurses

May 2, 2003 During National Nurse Week, Norton Sound Health Corporation honors three nurses. They are: Terry Romenesko, RN; Annie Blandford, RN; and Linda Peters, RN, all of whom came to Nome as KNOM support nurses. Each has dedicated more than twenty years of care to patients at the Nome hospital.

October 2006: 28 weeks premature, Sophia Woyte is born

October 19, 2006 In Anchorage, doctors wait as long as they can, but they can’t wait long, and they deliver 2-pound 4-ounce Sophia Woyte, 28 weeks premature. Tom Busch takes pictures of mother and baby and e-mails them to Lynette Schmidt in Nome, who prints and gives them to Sophia’s small worried siblings, to assure […]