780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Front Street Resurfacing Project Receives New Funding

The long-awaited resurfacing of Front Street in Nome continues to move forward, thanks in part to an additional $363,800 in funding from the State of Alaska’s 2025 budget. The project has been in the works since 2019 when the Department of Transportation (DOT) allocated $5.5 million in Community Transportation Project (CTP) funding.  The Front Street […]

October ’92: A superlative fall storm

October 5, 1992 The worst storm in eighteen years strikes Nome as a low-pressure center swells up a storm surge eight feet above normal with ten-foot waves above that. Covered with flotsam and jetsam, Front Street – Nome’s main thoroughfare – is underwater, and where it runs along the beach, half of it is gone. […]

June ’81: The KNOM Marching Band

June 20, 1981 The “KNOM Marching Band” captures second place in Nome’s Midnight Sun Festival parade, organized by Mary Yanikoski. In pouring rain, a group of kids walk down Front Street, wearing KNOM 10th anniversary T-shirts. Each child carries a portable radio blaring the KNOM signal, which is playing march music over the air. It’s an idea […]

May ’98: A parade, and a (very) cold swim, for Memorial Day

May 25, 1998 As it has for 22 years, KNOM provides live coverage of the solemn Memorial Day parade, which winds from Nome’s Front Street to graveside observances at the town cemetery and a brief ceremony at Nome’s harbor. Paul Korchin and Ross Tozzi anchor the broadcast. Later in the day, KNOM brings listeners to Nome’s […]

June 1981: The KNOM Marching Band

June 20, 1981 The “KNOM Marching Band” captures second place in Nome’s Midnight Sun Festival parade, organized by Mary Yanikoski.