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ADF&G Announces New Caribou Bag Limit for Western Arctic Herd

A male caribou runs near Kiwalik, Alaska. Photo: Jim Dau.

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Division of Wildlife Conservation has implemented a new resident bag limit for the Western Arctic Caribou Herd, effective July 1, 2024.  The new regulations permit the harvest of up to 15 caribou per regulatory year, with only one being a cow. This change applies throughout the entire […]

Wildlife and new arrivals

  Birds are nesting and salmon are moving upriver as muskoxen roam about, looking for food in small groups. Caribou and reindeer feed on the lush tundra, and bears sit riverside, ready for a fish feast. In Western Alaska during the summer, wildlife truly are both wild and lively – and, often, nearby, in close […]