780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Cold nights and volunteer travel

The temperatures each night are falling to about -20º F, and the stars sparkle in the dark night sky. As the moon traverses the heavens, the sound of houses crackling and snapping can be heard. As the air gets colder, pilings shift a bit, twisting home supports and floors. The night is alive with this and so many […]

A special sled dog race returns

February 2013 marked the second running of a sled dog race with special significance for Western Alaskans: the Paul Johnson Memorial Norton Sound 450. The NS450 honors the memory of Paul “Putty” Johnson, a dog musher and community leader from Unalakleet (YOU-nuh-luh-kleet), Alaska, a town well within KNOM’s listening range located on the coast of […]