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72-Hour Government Shutdown Delays Federal-Level Meetings on Rural Alaska Issues

United States Capitol Building

Besides affecting AFN delegates’ and Melanie Bahnke’s scheduled conversations with government employees, the shutdown impacted Kawerak’s Board Chairman, Frank Katchatag, who was slated to speak at a Bureau of Ocean Energy Management public meeting today. This one BOEM proposed public meeting to be held in Alaska, regarding the National OCS program, is now postponed.

High Levels of Biotoxin Found in Dead Walrus; Experts Unsure of Regional Impact

Walrus and calf. Photo courtesy of NOAA.

According to Gay Sheffield, wildlife biologist, three of the walruses had low to moderate levels of saxitoxin, while the fourth one had high levels. Saxitoxin is a biotoxin produced by algae and is potentially a poisonous substance. Louisa Castrodale with DHSS says even though this walrus tested positive for saxitoxin levels above the federal regulatory limit, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a human health issue.