780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Five years ago

In September and October 2008, our newsletters were full of comings and goings – including those of our public affairs director Amy Flaherty and news director Paul Korchin. The Static reported on one of Amy’s final projects for our popular show Elder Voices: an interview with Savoonga, Alaska elder Ora Gologergen (guh-LOGG-er-guhn), pictured at top. […]

March 2008: The All-Alaska Sweepstakes returns

March 26, 2008 Paul Korchin and Amy Flaherty hop onto borrowed snowmobiles to follow the 100th anniversary running of the All Alaska Sweepstakes, a 408-mile sled dog race through the wilderness. They report using a satellite telephone lent by Nome police chief Paul Burke.

September 2008: Amy departs

September 1, 2008 After more than six years of service to the mission, Amy Flaherty departs for more urban parts of Alaska. She has produced hundreds of programs and news interviews. Her replacement is Laureli Kinneen, who grew up in the town of Unalakleet, 146 miles southeast of Nome. Her husband Fen was raised in […]