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(907) 443-5221

Ravn Alaska Seeks International Air Safety Certification

Ravn passengers can now fly directly to Kotzebue from Anchorage and back. Photo Credit: Davis Hovey, KNOM (2017).

“The I-OSA standard… is the gold standard worldwide,” said Bruce Joseph with Ravn Alaska. The airline has begun the process of becoming certified with the International Air Transport Association’s Operational Safety Audit (I-OSA).

June ’88: A “friendship flight” to Russia

June 13, 1988 KNOM volunteer Claire Richardson is Alaska’s pool radio reporter on a precedent-setting trip to Provideniya, USSR, traveling on the historic Alaska Airlines 737 “Friendship Flight.” Her live reports of Provideniya’s festivities and the reunion of Eskimo families are carried by more than a dozen radio stations throughout the state.