780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Iditarod Schedule of Events

Along with all of Western Alaska, KNOM stirs into a frenzy of activity in March. As Iditarod mushers bear down on Nome, KNOM staff goes on 24-hour watch for their arrival. This month, thanks to your generosity, we are finally able to launch our livestream so you can share the excitement! You can listen on […]

Dear Friend…(March 2024)

This month we will celebrate the most sacred days of the year. As we contemplate Christ’s Passion during Holy Week, for many of us, our attention will gravitate toward Mary as she accompanies her Son on his arduous climb to Golgotha. Mary’s presence throughout the events of Holy Week offers a unique perspective on the […]

Iditarod Founder Passes

2024 will mark the first time in 50 years that mushers reach the Iditarod finish line without Howard Farley waiting for them. Originally from Detroit, Farley also lived in Florida and Seattle before he enlisted in the US Coast Guard in 1950. When his Coast Guard service brought him to Nome, he fell in love […]

Local Bird gets Raven Reviews

Since last summer, a lone white raven has entertained scores of birdwatchers, photographers, and the Alaskan public, not to mention his 25,000 Facebook followers. He enjoys playing tricks with his fans and is often seen dumpster diving for munchies. Biologists say the white raven is truly an uncommon creature. It’s not albino, but leucistic, as […]

True Detective

The HBO series “True Detective: Night Country” is set in the fictional town of Ennis, Alaska. While most of the filming was done in Iceland, some scenes were shot around Nome. Producers have been in touch with locals to get insights and feedback for the show. Marjorie Kunaq Tahbone is one of five people on […]

KNOM Staff Endure a Chilling Situation

Our little station recently took a one-two punch from the harsh Nome weather. In the dead of winter, the heating system at the station burned out and left the staff freezing and huddled around space heaters. As if that were not enough, a recent winter storm blasted the door open at our AM tower site […]

Rural School Reopens after Building Collapses

In a happy update to a story from a prior Static, students on Little Diomede have returned to school. In November, the administration building for the City of Diomede partially collapsed and fell against the school building. Diomede is a city of fewer than 100 people located on Little Diomede Island in the Bering Strait. […]