780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

KNOM Staff Endure a Chilling Situation

Our little station recently took a one-two punch from the harsh Nome weather. In the dead of winter, the heating system at the station burned out and left the staff freezing and huddled around space heaters. As if that were not enough, a recent winter storm blasted the door open at our AM tower site […]

Rural School Reopens after Building Collapses

In a happy update to a story from a prior Static, students on Little Diomede have returned to school. In November, the administration building for the City of Diomede partially collapsed and fell against the school building. Diomede is a city of fewer than 100 people located on Little Diomede Island in the Bering Strait. […]

Dear Friend…(February 2024)

This month Catholics face a seemingly paradoxical juxtaposition as St. Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday fall on the same day. St. Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love, romance, and indulgence, while Ash Wednesday is a day of penance, reflection, and spiritual renewal. On a deeper level, though, these two days have more in […]

Counting is for the Birds

On a chilly December day, Kate Persons, the volunteer coordinator for Nome’s Christmas Bird Count and a retired Alaska Department of Fish and Game wildlife biologist, led a group of volunteers on a day of bird observation. The day held numerous surprises for the dedicated birdwatchers. Among the notable discoveries was a record-breaking number of […]

No Roads Lead to Nome

The recent mishap on an Alaska Airlines flight and the subsequent grounding of aircraft brought national attention to the aviation industry. Fortunately, Alaska Airlines was able to handle the situation without reducing service to rural Alaska. Like most Alaskan communities, Nome is not connected to the road system, so food, fuel, and other supplies can […]

Trapper Hats for Troopers

With the Alaska Department of Public Safety searching for a new supply of fur trapper hats for State Troopers, many Troopers are turning to their local communities for help. The Department has allowed Troopers to have their hats custom-made, as long as they meet certain requirements. Many State Troopers prefer the custom-made option, because a […]

Dear Friend…(January 2024)

It’s wonderful to begin the year celebrating Mary, the Mother of God, a figure of profound significance. Her motherhood emphasizes her pivotal role in Christ’s life, reminding us of her enduring compassion and understanding. Just as Mary experienced challenges during Jesus’ birth, she empathizes with the struggles of vulnerable people today, especially those facing poverty […]

Going the Distance for Nome’s Nanooks

The Iditarod Trail is famous for its annual sled dog race, but every year human athletes test their endurance on its expanse as well. The Iditarod Trail Invitational gathers bikers, cross-country skiers, and runners to race the 1000 miles from the Anchorage area to the famous burled arch in Nome. Alternatively, athletes can race a […]