780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

AM Transmitter Woes

The KNOM AM transmitter site, surrounded by snowy tundra.

KNOM’s AM transmitter, now in its third decade of service, is nearing the end of its usable life. As multiple outages in recent months have shown, the time has come to replace it.

Double-Barreled Blizzards

Ed and Margaret, holding an "Ambassador WRN" sign outside KNOM's studios.

Two storms of exceptional strength ripped through KNOM country at the end of 2016. They’re the latest reason why KNOM’s weather forecasts are so important — and why our mission is partnering in a new way with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Trash to Treasure

Nome Community Baptist Church Pastor Dan Heihn and volunteer Tyler Stup, sorting out the recycled shelves donated to KNOM.

KNOM stretches operating funds as much as possible, given the high cost of everything in rural Alaska. One example: the salvaged shelves KNOM uses to hold its record library.

Online Inspiration

Hands holding Rosary beads over a pink cloth.

Did you know? KNOM’s website offers multiple resources for the faithful: from our in-house recordings of Catholic prayers to our “Inspirational Spot of the Week.”