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(907) 443-5221

Dear Friend…(Christmas 2023)

Warm greetings in this Advent season! As the days grow shorter and Christmas approaches, we reflect on the deeper meaning of this special time. Advent marks the start of a new liturgical year, Cycle B, with a focus on the Gospel of Mark. It’s a season of waiting, growth, and hope, centered on themes of […]

New Bishop Goes Live

The Catholic Diocese of Fairbanks received a new bishop on Thursday, October 12, with the ordination of the Rev. Steven Maekawa, OP, as the seventh bishop of the diocese. Hundreds of Catholic faithful from around Alaska gathered at Fairbanks’ Carlson Center to attend the ordination Mass. Maekawa was appointed Bishop of Fairbanks in July. He […]

Celebrating Exceptional Achievements

The Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) honored remarkable Alaska Native individuals and families at the President’s Awards ceremony, held on Friday, October 20. These awards recognize outstanding achievements across various fields that exemplify Alaska Native values and dedication Native values and dedication to public service. Two of the esteemed awards found their way to Nome. […]

Recipe: A Christmas Treat For Your Dog

This recipe is Annie’s favorite treat for Christmas and makes about 3 dozen servings. Ingredients: Directions:1. Mix everything together until it’s well blended.2. Make small balls and drop them on parchment paper.3. Flatten the balls out and then bake at 350 degrees for about 35 minutes.4. Store in the freezer and take out a few […]

Preserving Indigenous Language through Social Media

In the vast landscapes of Alaska, over 20 Alaska Native languages has been handed down through generations. Yet, the last century has seen a decline in fluent speakers due to the impacts of colonization. In Nome, one woman is leveraging the power of social media to breathe new life into the Inupiaq language. Gail Smithhisler, […]