Sounding Board: Summer Subsistence

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Our August 28 episode of Sounding Board, “Summer Subsistence,” is over. We had calls from Alice in Nome and Joanne in Unalakleet, emails from Brandon in Nome and Janelle in Nome (by way of Koyuk). During our show, we also played clips from subsistence hunter Johnson Eningowuk from Shishmaref and Nome Eskimo Community’s Beth Herzner.

You can listen to the full episode above, and tune in for a new episode of Sounding Board on Thursday, Sept. 4.

Winter is coming… but that doesn’t mean you have to let go of summer just yet.

Berries are still in season, and the last of the summer salmon are swimming upstream. Join us on Sounding Board this Thursday, August 28, 2014 to talk about your summer harvest.

We want to know what you’ve caught this season–and how you plan to enjoy it. Oh, and those top-notch recipes that get you through the winter? We want to hear those, too.

Tune and call in on Thursday, August 28, 2014 to share your thoughts.

  • Berries, fish, crab, game–even greens. How did you do for your summer harvest?
  • Do you have a favorite recipe? Something that spices up your repetitive winter menu?
  • Who else shares in your harvest? Do you team up to hunt, or do you share spoils with others in the community?
  • How else do you use your harvest? Do you turn any part of it into crafts, clothes, gear or gifts?
  • And if you’re not subsisting, do you have a question for someone who is?