On Friday, March 28, KNOM hosted a special program to address a growing problem in the region: synthetic drugs.
Spice, bath salts, K2, synthetic pot, potpourri, plant-food: there’s a slew of names for these drugs. On top of that, manufacturers in the lower-48 and abroad have been very savvy about changing the chemistry and packaging to stay one step ahead of the law. As they’ve appeared with greater frequency across Alaska and in the Bering Straits region, this class of drugs is proving as hard to combat, and extremely volatile and unpredictable for users.
As part of efforts at addressing substance abuse and community health in the region, KNOM worked with different agencies encountering spice in their work. We were joined by representatives from Kawerak, Behavioral Health Services, the Alaska State Troopers, and the Alaska Psychiatric Institute. By bringing together people spotting these substances in their own occupational corners, we’re hoping to get a better holistic understanding of the region’s health and wellness.
You can listen down below! Or, if you’re interested in resources for helping yourself or someone you care about, we’ve included phone numbers and contact info, as well.
Audio PlayerBehavioral Health Services in Nome:
- 8am – 5pm: p. 907-443-3344, consultation and advice about treatment options.
- After Hours: p. 907-4433200, acute care desk for immediate concerns.
- Website here.
Alaska Care Line, out-of-region advice and treatment options, including in-patient care for yourself or a loved one.
- p. 1-877-266-4357, 24/7 immediate, confidential help.
- Text ‘4help’ to 839863, available Tues-Sat, 3pm-11pm
- Website here.
If it’s an emergency or acute situation, call 911 in Nome, or your local clinic.