After The Crash

During a busy couple of weeks leading up to what will (so I’ve heard) be a busy race season, the roommates and I have made a terrible mistake. We’ve decided to start watching Lost from the very beginning.

For those who haven’t seen it (like me), Lost is a TV show from the early/mid 2000s about an airplane that crash lands on a very unsettling island in the middle of the ocean, leaving a bunch of strangers/passengers to ban together and figure out how to survive and get off said island.

Lost is a great show to watch with others, because everyone is equally confused and has their own wild theory to try to explain and understand the chaos happening on screen.

“How long do you think it would actually take for these friendships to begin?” Someone asked a few hours into a Saturday afternoon binge watching session. It seemed that as soon as the crash happened, characters were forming alliances and friendships, and deeply concerned about each others where abouts and well being.

I looked around the room and couldn’t help but think the same thing about myself and the 4 other girls piled on couches in our shared living room. A mere 6 months ago we were also total strangers, with our own complex lives rooted in different parts of the country. And now? 5 friendships, deeply concerned about each others where abouts and well being.

It’s a strange sensation, moving somewhere completely out of your comfort zone, and doing it alone. And with that, the instant and intense connections that grow out of bonding with others who can relate to your unique situation. I’ve had incredible conversations with these girls, some deeper than I’ve had with people I’ve known for years. I’ve wondered wildly out loud about the future, asked for and shared advice on various types of relationships, been picked up from the ER and cried more than I’d like to in front of any other human. But when you’re thrown into intense situations, these kinds of instant, fast connections are necessary.

So no, I’m not stranded on an island, running from tropical polar bears. But I understand the need to be understood just as well. I’m lucky I ended up with these strangers. Please leave any and all LOST theories in the comments section.


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