Seeking Stories About Pilgrim Hot Springs

Have you ever visited Pilgrim Hot Springs? Did you or someone you know live at the orphanage? What do you know about the past, present, or future of this place? KNOM’s Story49 is seeking your memories, stories, and connections to Pilgrim Hot Springs.

A future episode of Story49 aims to create an oral history of Pilgrim Hot Springs from a variety of perspectives. Whether you’ve visited the hot springs recreationally, have a family member who lived at the orphanage, or are involved in deciding the future of this property, you are encouraged to share. Any story, memory, or connection that you have, no matter how big or small, is appreciated.

To give your input, or to reach out for an interview, contact Maddie at KNOM at 443-5221, or submit your story and contact information through the form below. Together, we can preserve the history of a place that has so much importance in our region.

Story49… Sharing your story, your voice, your Alaska….

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