A Space for Creativity

One of my biggest fears about graduating from college and being an adult was having a job that would turn me into a zombie. The kind of work that’s the same every single day. Where you go and sit in a cubicle, do the same monotonous tasks over and over, and slowly feel your sanity slipping away. With that being said, I couldn’t be happier that I ended up in a job that’s completely the opposite of that.

I’ve always been a very creative person. Not so much artistic, as I don’t necessarily have much natural talent, but definitely full of creative ideas and plans. So I’ve been happy that, as I’ve gotten more comfortable with my job these past few months, I’ve managed to find endless opportunities for creativity in the workplace.

I’ve been able to write spots about everything from local birds, to hunting safety, to inspiring places. I’ve gotten to hear so many different voices in the studio, and had the chance to play around with all kinds of sound effects and music to create the final product.

Through Story49, I not only get creative when looking for future episodes to record, but also with my construction of the story arc, and the accompanying music, narration, and photos that go with each story that I produce.

And I always get a daily dose of creativity with the 4 O’Clock Needle Drop. I’ve had so much fun coming up with out-of-the-box themes like “songs about science,” “music about music,” and “songs that are more than six minutes long,” as well as celebrating the birthdays of some special artists, including Whitney Houston, Bruce Springsteen, and John Lennon.

Outside of work, I’ve had some time to get creative, too. I continuously annoy my roommates by making them look at my newest knitting projects, team up with Laura to plan our house’s Halloween decorations, and occasionally do some watercoloring in my spare time.

While there are still some more straightforward aspects of my job, like logging canned spots, reading hotlines and announcements, and inputting the marine weather, every day I am provided with endless options to take advantage of my creativity, which is something that I couldn’t be more thankful for.

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