X Marks the Spot

“Every problem has a solution. Even if we haven’t found it yet, we will.”

That’s an excerpt from one of my spots. I just heard it on the radio. Inspirational tidbits like that go out to our listeners about four times every hour, whenever one of our PSA spots airs. Just now, it struck me that this quote is pretty good advice not just for our listeners, but for me as a producer as well.

Karen and I are the two producers at KNOM this year. We each produce about eight spots from scratch every two weeks. Not every one of those spots is going to be perfect. Problems with the writing, the voice recordings, the music, the sound effects, or the editing arise all the time. But I must remind myself that every problem has a solution. And since I get so much practice producing spots on a daily basis, I know I will eventually find the solution. I will get better, and my spots will too.

Now, you can hear Karen and I muse about our favorite spots and discuss some of the wonderful community members that spot production has brought us in contact with. All that and more, in this week’s volunteer audio blog, above!

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