All Resolutions Pass Through City Council; New Ambulance Agreement Struck

With only four Councilmen in attendance, one via phone, the Nome City Council moved forward all new business on the agenda during last night’s regular meeting.

The lone ordinance passed on to the second reading phase could amend City code regarding snow and ice removal on streets. According to the ordinance, property owners in Nome will be required to remove snow and ice from any sidewalks that border their property.

In other business, the Council presented a formal paper recognizing Vickie Erickson’s service and commitment to the Nome Volunteer Ambulance Department (NVAD).

Councilman Stan Anderson suggested that more be done to honor Erickson’s service.

“It just seems like, for all the dedication and all the stuff she’s done over the years, this is kind of weak… We’ll pass this and have management come back to us and be a little inventive. People like this deserve a lot more than a piece of paper,” stated Anderson.

Erickson resigned as Chief of the Nome Volunteer Ambulance earlier this month.

Another successful resolution approved a memorandum of understanding between the City and Erickson’s successor, James West. West’s term as Chief of the NVAD is set to last for two years, but can be terminated by him or the City of Nome before April 2019.

Before adjourning the meeting, multiple people present in Council Chambers weighed in on the memorandum of agreement passed between the NVAD, along with the City, and Norton Sound Health Corporation, including Councilman Tom Sparks.

“From the first draft that I saw, it’s much improved, and I think the volunteers looked at it real closely. I applaud them for their efforts, and I think this is a great thing to have,” explained Sparks. “We can move forward and make it better as time goes on.”

This new agreement officially begins on May 1st and can continue indefinitely unless terms are changed or the formal collaboration is terminated.

Nome’s City Council will convene again on May 8th at City Hall for its next regularly scheduled meeting.

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