City Council Agenda Focused on Nome Ambulance Department, New Resolutions on Table

New business regarding the Nome Volunteer Ambulance Department is on the City Council’s agenda tonight.

Former Nome Ambulance Chief Vickie Erickson is set to be honored for her service and commitment to the NVAD during tonight’s City Council meeting. A resolution could be passed to acknowledge the more than 20 years of time Erickson has given to the department and the community.

Erickson formally resigned as Chief of NVAD on April 4th.

Other resolutions before the Council include a memorandum of understanding with the new chief of the Nome Volunteer Ambulance Department, James West. If approved, West would become chief of the NVAD for the next two years and receive a $500-dollar monthly stipend.

In other business, a memorandum of agreement between Norton Sound Health Corporation and the NVAD, along with the City, is set to be approved by the Council in a resolution. One provision of the agreement stipulates the NVAD will accept the Medicare-Like-Rate from NSHC for ambulance transport of Indian Health Services beneficiaries and won’t bill those individuals.

All provisions included in the agreement were approved by City administrators, NSHC administrators, and members of the NVAD.

Tonight’s meeting commences at 7pm in Council Chambers at City Hall.

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