The Pacific Walrus Won’t Be Listed Under the Endangered Species Act. Your Reaction?

What was your reaction to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision not to list the Pacific walrus under the Endangered Species Act? Tell us October 17th on Exchange.

  • Did the FWS decision on the Pacific walrus surprise you? Do you think it will have an impact on subsistence or other lifestyles in Western Alaska?
  • Are you unsure as to what you are legally able to do when a marine mammal washes onshore in your community?
  • What would you like to know about the latest animal surveys going on in the Bering Sea?

Tune into Exchange on KNOM to hear Alaska Sea Grant’s Gay Sheffield and Kawerak’s Subsistence Director Brandon Ahmasuk discuss these marine mammal topics. Call KNOM between 11:00 and 11:30am on Tuesday, October 17, or leave a comment below to join the conversation.

Image at top: Close-up of a walrus. Photo via Pixabay, public domain.

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