2020 Serum Run Expedition Day 7: Along the Yukon

As of 5pm last night, the expedition sent an update that trail breakers had reached the Bone Yard Cabin, a small shelter on the Yukon riverbank. And earlier this afternoon the group was back on the trail, headed towards Ruby.

Yesterday also marked some firsts for the expedition. In addition to being their first Yukon community, the village of Tanana was also the first of many free vaccine clinics that the expedition provided.

And even though the GPS tracker was disabled due to cold weather, Robert Forto, the expedition organizer, can now be seen moving closer and closer to Ruby. Click below to hear more from KNOM’s latest Serum Run Expedition update.

Image at top: A portion of the Serum Run trail outside Tanana. Photo from Robert Forto, expedition organizer. (2020).

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