If You Give a Moose a Muffin

Wildlife is a constant reality on the Last Frontier. Even an ordinary trip to the grocery store can turn into an adventure at a moment’s notice, as one Anchorage woman recently found.

After her weekly Costco run on a Saturday morning, she was loading groceries into her car in the parking lot when she suddenly found herself face-to-face with an inquisitive moose inspecting the produce in her shopping cart!

“Scooch,” she can be heard telling the moose in video of the standoff. “No ears back, buddy. Just scooch.” She attempted a peace offering of sweet potatoes, but the moose proved uninterested. After a few minutes, the moose returned to perusing its normal fare in Costco’s “outdoor produce section,” as one worker described the trees in the parking lot. The moose spent the rest of the day lounging, nibbling, and napping around the premises while Costco employees ensured the safety of shoppers.

Image at top: An Anchorage woman wags her finger to assert dominance as a moose inspects her grocery cart in the Costco parking lot. Photo via screenshot.

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