Farewell, Froehles!

Gretchen and Deacon Bob Froehle will celebrate this Christmas in Anchorage after 16 years in Nome.

They were active leaders at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Nome and at KNOM, often lending their voices to inspirational spots and other productions. Bob also served on KNOM’s board of directors for six years. After his ordination in November 2011, Deacon Bob led services at St. Joseph’s when a priest was not available to celebrate Mass.

We wish Gretchen and Bob many happy years in Anchorage!

Image at top: Gretchen and Deacon Bob Froehle in KNOM studios this autumn. Photo: Margaret DeMaioribus, KNOM.

A priest, a bishop, a deacon, and a laywoman smile at the camera inside a Catholic church.
Bob and Gretchen Froehle with Father Ross Tozzi and Bishop Donald Kettler at Deacon Bob’s ordination in November 2011. Photo: Ben Matheson, KNOM.
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