Wind Turbine Topples at Banner Wind Farm

Wind power in Nome is taking a slight decline after a wind turbine at the Banner Wind Farm toppled this weekend.

At Tuesday’s Nome Joint Utility meeting, Utility Manager John Handeland said the welding anchoring a tower failed, and the 50 kilo-watt unit was destroyed.

That leaves 15 of the original 18 wind turbines at the Banner Wind Farm still standing.

Handeland explained, “One was destroyed during first the winter. One had delaminated blades. A then a third one was taken down and used for parts. And now this one.”

A crew is arriving this week to conduct maintenance on the turbines. One of their top priorities is ensuring all the bolts on the units are tight and the foundations are secured. NJUS workers will work alongside the maintenance crew to gain additional experience in turbine upkeep.

No injuries were reported as a result from the recent crash as no one was onsite during the incident.

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